It’s “What are you reading?” Wednesday!

I’ve seen a lot of bookish memes and list ideas here on the book-blogging circuit, and I wish I could do all of them! One of my favorites has been a trend of bloggers posting their current reads on Wednesdays.

This week I’ll be taking inspiration from Taking On a World of Words, and trying out their “WWW Wednesday!”

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

The Betrothed by Kiera Cass

I am a huge Kiera Cass fan.  I absolutely flew through The Selection series and have recommended it several times.  So I was so excited when I heard she had a new book coming out! I really like that it shows the hardships and politics that go into picking a queen. This book is chock-full of strong, complex women who are navigating a system determined to keep them down. I am positive I’ll  be finished with the book by the end of today!

The Witches are Coming by Lindy West

The Witches are Coming is a biting cultural critique from the creator of Shrill, Lindy West.  The book is specifically a commentary on the #MeToo movement and the new reality it finds us in.  She is thought provoking and funny, and has a great tone that is accentuated if you listen to the audiobook like I am currently doing.  Her irreverent humor brings a lightness to often dismal topics such as sexual abuse and everday sexism.  I am really enjoying this book and can already tell I will be recommending it to lots of people!

What I’ve recently finished:

The Wysman by Dorothy Winsor

I was so excited to be selected to read this YA fantasy ARC, and was able to read it in less than a day. It is a story of elemental magic, mysterious abductions, and outcasts looking to find their place. The characters were complex and relatable, and the world is one I hope to return to again.  I definitely recommend this one!

The Book Of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd

I was so excited when I saw the premise of this book- a story from the perspective of Ana, the wife of Jesus.  I was fascinated by the idea of hearing some of the tales of Christian mythology through the lens of a woman. The book is full of fantastic characters, including several strong women who struggle to find their voices in a society that reduces them to nothing.  Ana lives an amazing life of her own, and is more than just the dutiful, obedient daughter and wife her family demands her to be.  This book was gorgeously written, and I recommend it very highly! 

What I think I’ll read next:

Mother Daughter Widow Wife by Robin Wasserman

A woman, given the name Wendy Doe, is discovered on a bus with no memory of who she is, where she is going, or where she came from.  Wendy, her doctor, and a woman claiming to be her daughter must work together to determine who she is and how she came to have amnesia.  Sounds like a mystery that is right up my alley and I can’t wait to get into it!

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins

I really loved the Hunger Games series and devoured them when they were originally published.  I have longed to return to Panem and I was super excited to hear another book would be joining the series.  I will admit I am a little unsure of a prequel about Snow, but I am excited to see where the story takes us.  Snow was a perfect villain, so it will be interesting to learn about his backstory.  I guess I will just have to see where the story takes me!

See you all with a new review soon! x

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It’s “What are you reading?” Wednesday!

I’ve seen a lot of bookish memes and list ideas here on the book-blogging circuit, and I wish I could do all of them! One of my favorites has been a trend of bloggers posting their current reads on Wednesdays.

This week I’ll be taking inspiration from Taking On a World of Words, and trying out their “WWW Wednesday!”

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

Another Riley Sager book and I am knee-deep in it already. It is so good. Thrilling, exciting, confusing, but in the best way, Sager has never disappointed me. I’ve been anticipating this book since its announcement and it is so exciting to finally dive in! This is a haunted house story that isn’t about a haunted house, and so far I am in love with every creepy corner. Check this one out soon.

Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla F. Saad

If you’re not up to date on what’s currently happening in our world and our country, this is another good book to help open your eyes. I’m reading this book with a group of young, white women from my book club who are all hoping to become better allies and it has been an intense, eye-opening, and often soul-searching experience. All of us come from different backgrounds and places in the country, and so opinions differ, but we are all getting a lot out of this book. If you’re looking for more to read on this important topic, we posted a list to help get you started.

What I’ve recently finished:

Peace Talks by Jim Butcher

…I don’t even know what to say. I waited five years for this book and it was not a disappointment in the slightest. I can’t say enough how much I love this series and, yes, I know I’m biased because I’ve been reading it since Middle School. Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files has only gotten better and better with each and every book, and Peace Talks cranked that up to eleven. Originally one large book, this works as part one of two books that Butcher will be releasing this year. Battle Ground, the next installment in the series, hits shelves this September. Look for Peace Talks in July!

The Grace Year by Kim Liggett

I loved this! And I had high expectations, because this book is very well-beloved in the book reading community. I had this book recommended to me so many times that by the time I picked it up I was worried that it wouldn’t live up to the excitement, but it did. This YA coming of age, horror story is part fairy tale and part nightmare. It’s thrilling, fast, engrossing, and feminist AF. If you haven’t read this book, check it out.

What I think I’ll read next:

The Circle by Dave Eggers

I’ve wanted to read this one for a while and I just got it as a gift from a book group I’m in. This book is about a woman who takes a job at an exclusive internet company, only to find darker and darker secrets as she gets pulled further in. It’s been called thrilling, relevant to today, and has an almost cult-like love from critics and readers. When I worked at the bookstore, we sold a lot of this book, and I am excited to finally dig into it.

Wonderland by Zoje Stage

I JUST got approved to read this on Netgalley and I am SO Excited. We are big fans of Zoje Stage here at Story-eyed and I, personally, was aching to read her newest novel. Wonderland is a horror novel, which further excites me as I’ve been reading and loving a lot more of the genre in the last few years. Its been described as “If Shirley Jackson wrote The Shining,” and I for one am SO excited to find out exactly what happens in this book. Look for my review in a couple of weeks!

See you soon, friends! x

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It’s “What are you reading?” Wednesday!

I’ve seen a lot of bookish memes and list ideas here on the book-blogging circuit, and I wish I could do all of them! One of my favorites has been a trend of bloggers posting their current reads on Wednesdays.

This week I’ll be taking inspiration from Taking On a World of Words, and trying out their “WWW Wednesday!”

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

How am I only just reading this?? Historically, Holly Black and I haven’t connected as well as others, but this series has been so popular that I had to give it a try. So far so good! I’m enjoying it a lot, even though I’m only about a third of the way through it. I love Jude’s determination and anger and I even love how hard both she and Cardan are. It’s a very interesting character dynamic.

Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney

Okay, so I’m almost done with this and I THINK I know what’s going on. Maybe. Probably. Mostly. But this book has been a crazy weird ride with a lot of twists. As its written in different timelines and perspectives per chapter, I enjoyed some timelines more than others, but overall this has been really compelling. I have to know the end. I have to. I’m hoping to finish this tonight. Have any of you read this??

Infinity Son by Adam Silvera

I just started this! I was lucky enough to get my hands on this one before its release date which was a big deal because everyone wants to read this one. I’ve been so excited. So far I am wildly interested in the characters and the world this takes place in and I love seeing some LGBT+ faces in Fantasy, all day every day. Can’t wait to review this one for you guys!

What I’ve recently finished:

Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey

This was great. Light, fun, heartwarming, sexy, emotional, and so much more. If you liked Tessa Bailey’s wildly popular first novel, Fix Her Up, you’ll love this one and you’ll recognize some of its characters. This book is full of so much vulnerability and honesty and I wish that I knew more people willing to brave those depths like these characters! This was a good one. Look for my review soon!

Storm Front by Jim Butcher

This one was an ildulgent reread and I don’t feel bad about it, haha. Mostly I’ve had this series on my mind because the next one is hopefully coming out in 2020! If you’re a Dresden Files fan, you know its been one hell of a wait. I’ve been thinking about trying to find a read-a-long for the series, or even hosting one myself! Would you be interested?? Let me know in the comments!

What I think I’ll read next:

Happy and You Know It by Laura Hankin

“A dark, witty page-turner set around a group of wealthy mothers and the young musician who takes a job singing to their babies and finds herself pulled into their glamorous lives and dangerous secrets…” Okay, who doesn’t think that sounds like a lot of fun? Not me! I’m so in and so excited to find out. This one drops in May!

Followers by Megan Angelo

I won a copy of this from BookishFirst and I am SO EXCITED to read it. This promises to be a thrilling, engaging tale of ambition, drive, and technology and how the three can combine to make disastrous results. I’m hoping this has like Girls meets Black Mirror vibes? Very eager to jump into this. This one comes to shelves in January and I’ll be reviewing it this month!

Thanks for coming to hang out with me for a few minutes!

See you soon. x

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It’s “What are you reading?” Wednesday!

I’ve seen a lot of bookish memes and list ideas here on the book-blogging circuit, and I wish I could do all of them! One of my favorites has been a trend of bloggers posting their current reads on Wednesdays.

This week I’ll be taking inspiration from Taking On a World of Words, and trying out their “WWW Wednesday!”

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon

I just started this, but I am eager! I really liked McMahon’s newest book, The Invited, and I’ve been really feeling thrillers and scary stories lately. This one was recommended to me many times by multiple people in my bookclub who know my tastes so I have high expectations. I’m not in far enough to judge yet, but so far I am really enjoying myself!

Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren

YESSSSS. Honestly, I would probably be done with this already except for two things: I’ve been crazy busy lately and I’ve been trying to savor it. I’ve just been really excited for this new Christina Lauren book. So far the story is sweet and sexy and has the classic CL style of tugging on my heartstrings while also writing something that feels fresh and familiar all at the same time. Will definitely be writing a full review for this one.

Still reading: The Hunger by Alma Katsu & Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky

I have been so busy this week that I am still in the middle of so many books! These two in particular. I’m really enjoying Katsu’s The Hunger, but am still in the early stages. It’s a retelling of what “could have happeneded to the Donner party” and honestly I’m just eager as hell to find out what this theory includes. And I’m also loving Imaginary Friend! Damn, this book is loooong though. 720 pages. Usually that wouldn’t phase me in a week, but I haven’t been able to really sit down and devote my entire attention to this yet. I’m hoping this weekend will do the trick! Look for reviews or updates on these soon.

What I’ve recently finished:

The Return by Rachel Harrison

Omg guys this was so good and insane hahaha. No seriously, it was weird and then it picked up fast and then all of a sudden it was over. I had so much fun reading this one, sooo much fun. I loved that, at 80% way through the book, I still didn’t know what was going on but had a hundred theories and none of them were exactly right. Absolute success for me. This one doesn’t come out until 2020, so keep an eye out! I’ll be writing a full review of this closer to its publication date, so keep an eye out for that too!

No One is Too Small to Make a Difference by Greta Thunberg

I bought this on a whim after a shift at work (I work in a bookstore, it only feeds my habit) but I’m so glad that I did. This book is a collection of all of her speeches, from rallies to the UN, and a small amount of writing she’s done for this book. Greta is someone that really inspires me in the world right now. Reading her words makes me anxious, because I believe everything that she is saying and am so frustrated with the responses we’ve had, but also so hopeful: if half of the next generation is anything like her, we’ll all figure it out.

Almost Home by Madisen Kuhn

I really enjoyed this. In fairness, I knew that I would. Kuhn’s previous collection of work, Please Don’t Go Before I Get Better, is one of my favorite books of modern poetry. I don’t know what it is about her writing, if it’s the simplicity or empathy or perspective in her work, but something about her words has always connected deeply and often with me. I relate to her work and I was so excited to see a second book from her. This was even better than her first and I relate so much to the authenticity in her writing. Definitely recommend to poetry fans.

What I think I’ll read next:

Honestly, I’m still reading so many things that I don’t know exactly what I’ll pick up next and I’m focusing more on the books I’m still reading. I’ve also got a pile of ARCs to read before deadlines, so who knows. However, there is one book I’m kind of eager to pick up:

The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell

This just looks so interestiiiiing! I work in a bookstore and everyone has been buying this/talking about this/asking if we have this, not to mention that it was one of Book of the Month‘s picks this month too. It’s also a thriller and I have been in such a thriller mood lately, so. Yeah, it’s likely that I end up reading this one soon. Can’t wait!

Happy reading, friends! See you tomorrow! x

Find more recommendations on: Instagram | Twitter Facebook | Goodreads


It’s “What are you reading?” Wednesday!

I’ve seen a lot of bookish memes and list ideas here on the book-blogging circuit, and I wish I could do all of them! One of my favorites has been a trend of bloggers posting their current reads on Wednesdays.

This week I’ll be taking inspiration from Taking On a World of Words, and trying out their “WWW Wednesday!”

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky

I somehow ended up reading a ton of horror this week…huh. I wonder why? *coughHalloweencoughcough* Halloween isn’t over till I say its over, so…it’s not over till I finish these next couple of books. This is the book everyone has been talking about and I have finally gotten my hands on a full copy instead of just a handful of chapters. I plan to be sucked into this huge beast of a novel every second I can be this week.

The Hunger by Alma Katsu

My second scary story of the week! This is a somewhat-retelling of what could have happened to the Donner Party that was lost on their journey west all those decades ago. I’ve always been morbidly fascinated with this story, just because of the wild mystery of it all, so I’m eagerly looking forward to see what crazy explanation this author brings to the table. Plus I’ve heard this book recommended to me so many times that it’s about time I finally read it. Started it last night and am loving it so far!

The Return by Rachel Harrison

Haha I was reading this last week too and I thought I would finish it in a day. Honestly, I would have, it’s riveting! Except I have things that interrupt my reading like work and dinner and feeding the cat, and generally just adulting in general. So far this is still a great read though! Creepy and eerily confusing, I am having fun trying to work out the puzzle. Look for my review a little later, and this release date in March of 2020.

What I’ve recently finished:

Ruthless Gods by Emily A. Duncan

I don’t want to say much here. This book was so so so highly anticipated by me after its predecessor, Wicked Saints, and I’m currently writing a full review for it. For now, needless to say, it was a wild, crazy, magical ride. I can’t wait to tell you more about it. (Am I being enough of a tease here?)

The Necromancer’s Prison by Alec Whitesell

I am so excited to have finally finished this wonderful little gem of a book. Its author, Alec Whitesell, reached out to me a while ago to take a look at this and I am only just now getting around to it because of life’s crazy whims (sorry, Alec!). I really enjoyed this though, it was fresh, original, kept me engaged and reading all the way till the end, and I can’t wait to share more of my thoughts in my full review within the week!

What I think I’ll read next:

Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren

I have been waiting for this book for so looooooong!! Or at least it feels like forever, but really it wasn’t all that long ago that I became a ride-or-die CL fan. I love their writing and their ability to make romance feel as sweet, layered, complex, simple, interesting, and sometimes tragic as it is. Reading a CL book means something light, something that’s going to make me feel happier all through the day, something that I can’t drag my nose out of. My copy arrives in the mail tomorrow. It’s going downnnnn, fam.

Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Mayhem in Northern Ireland by Patrick Radden Keefe

It is Non-Fiction November, after all, so I am going to try and knock out some of the NF books I’ve been dying to get to! This is at the top of my list. If you don’t know this about me already, I’ve always had a bit of a passion for the conflict between Ireland and Northern Ireland, and its history. I’m a redhead of Irish and Scottish descent, but more than that it was just a period of time that’s fascinated me ever since I can remember. When I was in college, I studied abroad in Belfast, Northern Ireland for a year, on a program designed to teach us first-hand about the history there and it was an incredible learning experience. I’ve read a lot on this subject, but this book has been lauded so highly this year and I am dying to dig into it. I’ll report back when I finish!

What are YOU reading this week?? Drop me a line in the comments letting me know! x

Find more recommendations on: Instagram | Twitter Facebook | Goodreads


It’s “What are you reading?” Wednesday!

I’ve seen a lot of bookish memes and list ideas here on the book-blogging circuit, and I wish I could do all of them! One of my favorites has been a trend of bloggers posting their current reads on Wednesdays.

This week I’ll be taking inspiration from Taking On a World of Words, and trying out their “WWW Wednesday!”

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

The Return by Rachel Harrison

I really should have waited to pick this one up, since its release date isn’t for quite a while, but I couldn’t help myself. The premise was just so intriguing: Julie, the main character’s best friend, goes hiking and doesn’t return. For two years. Until she’s back again, with supposedly no memory of where she was. Um. What?? Yeah, I had to read this, and its perfect for the spooky season too. I’m moving through this book so quickly and I don’t want it to end, which all bodes so well. Look for a review of this one as the release date approaches.

Ruthless Gods by Emily A. Duncan

First, let me just say, that I was so excited and proud and surprised when I was approved to read an ARC of this book through Netgalley. Wicked Saints, the first novel in this YA fantasy trilogy, was one of the most talked about YA novels of the last year and its sequel is highly anticipated as well. I liked Wicked Saints, though it wasn’t perfect, but the world that these books take place in is utterly fascinating to me. The mix of magic and religion is so intriguing, and I for one am really looking forward to seeing where this series takes us. I just started this one, so expect me to report back soon.

Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey

I’ve been reading mostly horror or thrillers this month (cause duh, it’s October) but at one point I needed to take a break and this ARC fell into my lap. Taking place in the same world as Fix Her Up, Tessa Bailey’s debut novel, this Adult Contemporary novel is so many things. It’s about romance, how it starts and how it can fall to the wayside when life becomes difficult. It’s about falling back in love with yourself and with a partner you have drifted from. It feels so fresh to read a book that starts with a married couple and works through them finding a new romance together, instead of most romances that tend to end with a wedding. I am loving this so far and I’ll report back soon.

What I’ve recently finished:

No Exit by Taylor Adams

Holy hell. I will definitely be writing a full review of this book because I just loved it that much. I started it one morning and then…the whole day disappeared. I did laundry, I worked, I lived my life that day, but every single second I could grab in between all the adulting, I was sticking my nose back into this story. What. A. Book. No Exit starts off fast and intense and never, ever, once, lets up. I was tense, I was anxious, I was so attached to the characters and immersed in this world that I didn’t even notice it got dark while I was reading. If you’re looking for an adult thriller to make your day disappear, this is the book for you. Just make sure you don’t have anything else important to do that day, because all you’ll want to do is read.

The Escape Room by Megan Goldin

I also enjoyed this, but given I read it right after No Exit (which I just talked about how much I loved) it was a little bit of a letdown. Some of that is my comparison between the two, which is unfair, but some of it was earned by The Escape Room. Ultimately, I did enjoy this story. It was tense, mysterious, and something about it did keep pulling me back until I got to the end. I just needed to know what had happened to one of the characters. This book is told in alternating chapters of present day and the past and while I loved this format immensely, The Escape Room suffered from the unfortunate fact that- well, one of those storylines was just more interesting than the other. And I don’t think it was the one the author intended, given the title of the book refers to the present day timeline. Those chapters weren’t un-enjoyable, but I kept wanting to hurry through them just to get back to the much more intriguing story behind it all. If you like thrillers, I would still recommend this one. While it wasn’t perfect, I had a great time reading it and I felt satisfied at the end. Check it out.

What I think I’ll read next:

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

I have been hungering after this book for SO long that all I want to do is start it. It’s been a battle to really focus on the books I’m reading now (which I’m enjoying) and not just jump right into this one. Leigh Bardugo is an author I highly enjoy and this is her first Adult Fantasy novel. Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, also written by Bardugo, are two of my favorite books in the world and I am so excited to read her debut into the world of Adult fiction. Looking forward to this immensely!

Imaginary Friend by Steven Chbosky

This is another spooky novel I’ve been trying to get my hands on all month. A total departure from his previous work (The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which is a YA contemporary) this work is pure Adult horror and I cannot wait to dive in. I’ve read the first chapter of this book through Amazon and I am already hooked. Hopefully it’ll be just as spooky, creepy, and scary as I want it to be.

The Deep by Rivers Solomon with Daveed Diggs, William Hutson, & Jonathan Snipes

Black mermaids!!! This has been one of the most anticipated books of the season, at least for me, but I also see it being talked about everywhere. Mermaids and other magical sea-creatures have been a big trend as of late but the diversity in these books has been seriously lacking. This book is the answer to that unmet need and I couldn’t be more excited to see what’s in store in The Deep.

What are YOU reading this week? Drop me a line in the comments! x — A

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